Cecelia Ahern's There's No Place Like Here tells the story of Sandy Shortt, an obsessive-compulsive Missing Persons investigator who suddenly finds herself in the mystical land of the missing, desperate to return to the people and places from whom she has spent her life escaping. Ahern asks readers to step outside the boundaries of reality, and enter a world where missing people (and possessions) from all over the globe congregate to start anew. When Sandy goes on an early morning jog and strays too far into the forest, she too finds herself "Here," the aptly named home of the missing. In addition to finding her lost socks, diaries, and stuffed animals, she also finds many of the people she has searched for throughout her career. From Bobby Stanley, who disappeared from his mother's house at the age of sixteen, to Terrence O'Malley, a librarian who disappeared on his way home from work at age 55, Sandy is quickly reunited with the people she has come to know only through photos and heartbreaking memories shared by devastated loved ones who enlisted her services. Of course, finding these people and possessions only makes Sandy realize how much she has missed out on in her real life, most notably her concerned parents and her on again off again boyfriend Greg.
My Review
I have to honestly say that this book took me forever to get into. It took me a couple weeks to read whereas most books take me a few days at most. The beginning was dry and the plot strange. I pushed through and ended up liking the story, but had hopes for more. This book was more story telling, then communication between characters. I liked how Ahern flowed between Sandy Shortt's explanation of her experience to Jack Ruttle's search for her. I was happy with the ending and how most of the mini plots were closed.
This chick gave the book:
I have to honestly say that this book took me forever to get into. It took me a couple weeks to read whereas most books take me a few days at most. The beginning was dry and the plot strange. I pushed through and ended up liking the story, but had hopes for more. This book was more story telling, then communication between characters. I liked how Ahern flowed between Sandy Shortt's explanation of her experience to Jack Ruttle's search for her. I was happy with the ending and how most of the mini plots were closed.
This chick gave the book:
I had a hard time getting into this book too! Which was odd because I normally adore her books! Great review my friend