With the end of year in sight I have had to put my constant reading on the back burner. I have 2 kids at home for one more week, so my attention has one more distraction and when I say distraction I mean it lovingly and a distraction from reading.
However with Christmas I got $70 in bookstore gift cards. Boy does my family know what I like. I have the lists ready and when I enter the store I will purchase the books for upcoming challenges.
The New Year will bring my growing of knowledge into the book blogging world and hopefully a more organized page once I get the kinks worked out.
Looking forward to challenging myself more and entering more of the wonderful Reading Challenges that are out there.
See ya in the year 2010!
At The #CMCon19 Beach with Kait Ballenger
6 years ago
I can't wait for tomorrow, flesh slate for book challenges! Happy New year my sassy good friend!